Sunday, August 22, 2010

Weekend vacation- well, sort of!

Hey everyone, its officially been one month since I arrived in Cambodia. What to say!!! There's really nothing that I would be able to say that would sum up everything about me and my life heere with words.

I have found some yogis to hang with and that's comforting. I also have found that I have a rather large aversion to rice which is just great because that is their staple food here. It's rice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Though the other foods that they cook for me are pretty tasty... I get pumpkin, greens, fish, corn, eggs, lotus flower stems... which are delicious by the way and other veggies. Right now I'm trying to get my host family, which included my "my (mom)",my Pok, day, and three younger sisters; they are 21, 17, and 15. I just recently learned their names but don't ask me to attempt to spell them, because surely I'll mess them up. I just resort usually to calling them bow-un ser-rai... which translates to little sister.

Right now we have all met up, meaning all the volunteers from the three training villages for the day and are spending our day off together. It's nice finally to get to see everyone where we can just relax. Usually, when we all get together we are working and attending sessions for one thing or another. They have us pretty busy... next week though, is site announcement!!!!

I'll be finding out where I'll be place for the next two years!!! It's kinda scary and exciting at the same time. We're hoping that we'll all be placed near people we like spending time together and away from any kind of bad site qualities lol... ie. no other volunteers within an 8 hour bus ride. lol

I'm trying to think if there's anything else to blog about... hmmmm, right now its around noon. I'm not really hungry yet though because I'm still full on last night's bai (rice)!

I do have some good news though, there was volunteer who was thinking about going home and today they just told me that they are going to try and stick it out for a little bit longer, which makes me happy. It's funny, you find yourself so much more close to the other volunteers when one is thinking about leaving, you get sad... but anywho more to come later... love you all and talk to you soon or post something!!!


1 comment:

  1. Sounds amazing!!!

    Now that you know where you're staying, do you know if there are any other volunteers nearby?
